Cura Profunda - Full Body Deep tissue relief

Image for Cura Profunda - Full Body Deep tissue relief


Discover the perfect balance of relief and relaxation with our Deep Tissue Therapy. I combine targeted, firm pressure with specialized techniques and tools designed to reach deep-seated muscle tension. Rest assured, the intent is not to hurt or injure; at no point should the massage cause discomfort. Instead, our deep tissue approach ensures relief with minimal discomfort. Benefits include improved circulation, reduced muscle tightness, and relief from persistent discomfort. As tension dissolves, you'll find increased flexibility and an overall sense of rejuvenation. If you book 60 minute and want focus work you can add Alivio or Deep tissue focus add on to your 60 minute Cura Profunda session. 60 minute sessions is not sufficient time to address a full body and focus work.
